Job offer withdrawals are disastrous, but not uncommon. In most cases, there is usually a valid reason that has led to the retraction of your offer. Whatever that may be, candidates have the right to find out why.
One moment you are sharing the news with your family over dinner, then the phone rings out of the blue, and you get a sinking feeling in your stomach. “We regret to inform you that the offer extended to you is now being rescinded.”
It is never easy to accept failures and disappointments. You might start questioning your self-worth and overanalyzing every word ever spoken during the interview. You might worry sick, wondering what to do now that the job offer is no longer valid.
Having your job offer withdrawn can feel like there’s no way to bounce back after hitting rock bottom. Don’t be fooled by your inner voice. Just like all the other job seekers out there, you are not the only one faced with a situation that’s not quite going your way at certain times.
Remember, there’s always a silver lining in the most unexpected situations.
Here are five steps you can take to ride out the tough times and rediscover the career path that is right for you.
The 5 Stages of Recovery: Do these, you’ll feel better.
1. Reach out to the hiring manager
Schedule a call with the hiring manager or HR to voice out any uncertainties that you may have before jumping to conclusions. Take the initiative to clarify if there’s a signing bonus or advancement involved and if you can still keep it.
Once all that’s settled, try not to take the setback personally. See the bigger picture and find positives in what you are currently able to do. It wouldn’t hurt to stay in touch with the company so that they will keep you in mind for future opportunities.
2. Revisit prior job opportunities
If you had a good relationship with previous employers, there might be a chance to be reconsidered for a job opportunity, or rehired if you have already left. They can be a great resource for exciting new opportunities and professional guidance in your career development.
When you reach out to your employer via email or phone call, keep the tone professional but friendly. Be sure to include your current experience and ask if they would be available for a catch-up.
Before you accept a role at your previous company, take time to consider if it’s truly a good fit for you based on past experience. Always go for something that fits your career goals and not simply as a desperate measure.
One of the most important factors in finding the perfect fit is that you believe wholeheartedly in the work you do.
3. Stay updated on LinkedIn
Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Even if you already have an ideal company or organization in mind, it may not be adequate once the situation changes. Best to keep your options open and go for more job interviews, at least until you are absolutely certain you got the job!
Now’s also the time to be actively engaged with your LinkedIn community. Update your LinkedIn profile to show that you’re open to work and approach them for new job leads. While you’re at it, try your best to line up multiple opportunities by making as many connections as possible with recruiters.
Related Read: On Sharing Mistakes & Building A Presence On LinkedIn With Ayu Shahirah
4. Prepare for the future
Before severe weather strikes, it is always advisable to put together an emergency plan. Make sure you are prepared by thinking ahead of time about what will be necessary to stay afloat during difficult times.
Finding the right job is probably the top priority in your life right now. In the meantime, consider pursuing side hustles or freelancing to regain some financial support outside of your 9-to-5 job. The more flexible you are, the better your chances of being able to work things out eventually!
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5. Celebrate a new chapter
As daunting as the situation might look to you, it is more often than not, a reflection of the company’s business structure, rather than the candidate’s own qualification.
Hiring freezes are fairly common responses to potential recession, unanticipated budget concerns, company restructuring, and changes of plans by current employees about leaving the company.
While it can feel like a personal blow, having a job offer rescinded does not always concern your skills or abilities. When things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place. Cheers to new beginnings!
Your Guide to Career Discovery: