Hello Mentor EP11 | Aiman Azlan On Being Successful Despite The Uncertainties

“I have always been a talkative kid and I grew up wanting to be a motivational speaker. Even though it is difficult and uncertain, I had to figure things out as I went. It is scary but exciting at the same time.” – Aiman Azlan

About the episode

Success doesn’t happen overnight. Aiman Azlan’s story came with a lot of experimenting and risk taking but with the right idea in mind, you too can become successful. 

In this episode Aiman Azlan gives us some not-so-typical advice for students that are currently deciding on a degree to pursue as well as young professionals that are currently paving their career paths. 

He also talks about his experience at his first full time job and his journey in becoming an author, youth mentor and a motivational speaker. Not to mention tips and tricks in building confidence and acing a job interview.

Getting to know Aiman Azlan

In 2011, during his second year at University of Toronto, he made a video from his one-bedroom apartment. Little did he know that the video would be the kick-start for his now passionate career! You can even still find the video up on his Youtube channel.

Over time, he discovered that he could use his ability to speak, his understanding of psychology, and his online presence to inspire the youth. So with an idea in mind and the will to work for it, he is now an author, youth mentor and motivational speaker.

To check out Aiman’s website as mentioned in the podcast, here is the link:


Hello Mentor is a podcast show that platforms raw discussions on career, ambition and success with inspiring individuals who are accomplished in their own rights.

Hello Mentor is hosted by Derek Toh, Founder and CEO of Hiredly.

Check out all our episodes on Spotify for your dose of inspiration and career advice from real people who have been there!